Photos: Quindell Orton, Sahra Huby, Anna Konjetzky, Susanne Schneider
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TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund:
alternative spaces, free spaces, alternative roads and border(s) with a focus on evasion, displacement and resistance.
Over the next years, choreographer Anna Konjetzky will be working on her project NOMADIC ACADEMY dealing with the subjects of alternative spaces, free spaces, alternative roads and border(s) with a focus on evasion, displacement and resistance.
The core of the NOMADIC ACADEMY consists of a crew of Munich-based artists, who will accompany and activly shape the academy during the years to come. In various constellations participants of this reseach group will take part in the academy’s moduls abroad. Sharing there the previous research by focusing each time on the particularity of each of these places. Conversely an artist from the moduls abroad will also join the plattforms of the NOMADIC ACADEMY in Munich, thus exchanging and challenging knowledge, discurse, aesthetics and body praxis of and in different local contexts.
a space for physical thinking, choreographic sketches and artistic research
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